Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Break... What?

This week was Thanksgiving break! How can that be? Time is flying and I am feeling the pressure set in! I stayed in Edinboro over the break in an attempt to make new work and keep the pace going. I recently got a lot of feedback from my classmates about what direction to head with my work and I wanted to implement some of that discussion into actual work. In consideration of there comments, and with a lot of angst I decided to include more slip decoration techniques. Here is the first stab at this surface treatment:
Its been awhile....

I love the idea of transferring my patterning through the use if sgraffitto! Something I will definitely be doing more of.... It was somehow liberating and it adds to some of the layering and depth I am trying to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! so glad you are using slips and love the rubbed out sgraffito!
